Sunday, October 4, 2009

Feng Shui is USELSS if you...

A wonderful reminder or "wake-up call" if you are REALLY SERIOUS about practsicing Feng Shui, or merely thinking of hiring a Feng Shui Master!


1. 存心不善,風水無益。
2. 父母不孝,奉神無益。
3. 兄弟不和,交友無益。
4. 行止不端,讀書無益。
5. 作事乖張,聰明無益。
6. 心高氣傲,博學無益。
7. 為富不仁,積聚無益。
8. 劫取人財,布施無益。
9. 不惜元氣,服藥無益。

1.Your Feng Shui will be USELSS if you have Evil Thoughts;
2. Your prayers will be inefficient if you have NO Filial Piety
3.Your Ties with Close Friends will be Meaningless if you don't respect your brothers and sisters;
4.Your Knowledge is in vain if you don't practice what you preach;
5.Your Cleverness is pointless if you have flambuoyant and arrogant attitudes;
6.Your vast knowledge is wasted if you are proud and egoistic;
7.Your accumalation will not be beneficial if you are not Rich in Kindness;
8.Your Generosity has no Merit in it if you take and steal from others;
9.Your Medicine will be of no effects if you don't apprectate your own Energy (chi/qi);
10.Your Name/Fame and Positions will be USELSS if you indulge in Lust and Enjoyents.